"This semester I was also able to go to Cal Poly Pomona for a CSU conference. I was able to go because I work on campus and I was asked to go by my supervisor. I was able to have a say in what happens on my campus and other CSU campuses. 

I am also very excited to say that I applied to The Ohio State University for graduate school and got accepted. 2019 will be a very exciting year for me because I will be getting my Bachelors in Social Work from Sacramento State and I will be starting the online Masters of Social Work program at Ohio State. 

Thank you so much for your help in my education."

Alexus Greer 2018


My name is Alexus Greer and I am so blessed to have been awarded a scholarship from De Von Jackson, M.D. Ministries, Inc. a few days before I found out that I was awarded the scholarship, I was very worried about how I was going to pay for my textbooks for my classes. I was filled with so much joy when I found out. My mom was also very excited and told Pastor Meeks about it and he announced it at church. 

Because of this scholarship, I finished the Fall semester of my senior year with a 3.8 GPA. Without the scholarship, I would not have the funds to purchase my books so I could study for exams and complete my homework. I am also thankful because I was able to save the rest of the money that I didn’t use during he Fall semester and save it towards the textbooks that I will need to purchase for the Spring semester. So now, all I need to do it focus on graduating."