The Fijian Islands
A shipment of a variety of quality medications to help the poor rural villagers of Fiji. Vital, first-hand information was provided to us that many families, who reside outside of metropolitan areas of Fiji, are suffering greatly. Many persons lack access to electrical power and general living conditions are poor. We have shipped directly through a Fijian Pastor/Evangelist. Personnel were in place to assist with distribution of medical treatments.
In partnership….
Through "Voice of the Martyrs" (VOM) ministry we can further minister to Persecuted Christians who have been driven from their homes thru Religious Extremists AROUND THE GLOBE. Packs are customized in the field by VOM missionaries to fulfill specific needs in different nations, including IRAQ, SYRIA, SUDAN, and NIGERIA. Family Med Packs include items such as: bandages, medical tape, toothbrush & toothpaste, dental floss, chapstick, bar of soap, hair comb, nail clippers, infant formula, diapers, feminine hygiene products, pharmaceuticals (meds), etc. Multiple Family Med Packs were purchased through DJM and sent through VOM.
International Christian Hospital (ICH) in Owerri, Imo State in Southeast Nigeria is a non-profit, charitable project. It has a potent, wide-reaching impact upon the health of multitudes of persons, especially the poor and medically unserved.
Upon her return to Ghana for continued building of a high school in a small village, our Missionary to Ghana, Mother Mary McKelvy of Salvation Miracle Faith Ministry (SMF), was provided with a shipment of high quality medications.
This shipment was especially highly anticipated due to its focus on skin care products. Because so many Ghanians suffer with fungal and bacterial skin infections, particular efforts were made to secure anti-fungal and anti-bacterial topical treatments. In addition, an array of treatments were sent for common ailments, such as arthritis, stomach disorders, fevers, pain, etc.