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An Open Door to aid the precious believers in Lusaka, Zambia in Central Africa through Nations Mission Church of God in Christ (COGIC) congregation there led by Bishop Justine Gondwe. He is very active in ministry thru preaching and teaching and travel. He stated they “desperately” need Bibles and Christian study materials.

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In response to the request of our Fijian brothers and sisters for Bible study notes and outlines, many copies of Topical Bible Study Guides (written by Dr Jackson) were sent to the people of Fiji at no charge. Multiple other Bibles and Bible Study materials were purchased and sent thru our Fijian Pastor/Evangelist Simeone Navarra.




Through our Nigerian Missionary/Pastor, we had the joyful opportunity to send an array of Bibles and Bible Study materials to our fellow Believers in Nigeria, West Africa. The shipment included:

(1) Over 250 Sunday School books and Bible Study books (including materials for adults and age-appropriate lessons designed for children)

(2) 2 Year-Long Sunday School Lesson Commentaries

(3) 90 copies of “Meet My Best Friend--His Name is Jesus” with Expanded Edition Study Guides 

(4) 150 "Gospel of John" booklets 

(5) Varied Bible Study materials: Study Bibles, New Testaments, The Bible Promise Book, etc.

“Thursday School” is Sunday School on Thursday!

“Thursday School” is Sunday School 3-Days early so that we can meditate on the Lesson—to be ready for Sunday!

It consists of an approximate 30-minute video overview of the Lesson plus a unique “Bible Spotlight” each week.

In addition, viewers may answer the “Bible Spotlight Question of the Month,” and the first to provide the correct answer receives a special gift mailed to them, free and postage-paid. An exciting way to further our spiritual growth and love for Christ!

Won’t you join us? Simply scan the QR CODE below by aiming the camera of your cell phone or digital device over the QR CODE, then tap the colored button that appears.

That will take you immediately to our YouTube Channel, which has an extensive library of years of “Thursday School” Lessons, plus Sunday Morning Sermons, Seminars, etc.

The Media Ministry of DJM is entitled

“Your Divine Appointment,”

and “Thursday School” is a key part of it.

God bless you and we warmly Welcome You to the “Thursday School Family!”

“Thursday School” Bible Spotlight Winner’s Corner!

Some of our Monthly Winners provide a Photo and/or a Testimonial of the significance and impact of the Gift they received. Some examples below—

Our December 2023 Winner is…

Sister Marlene P. of Mississippi!

Sister Marlene P. of Mississippi, USA

Congratulations Sister Marlene and blessings to all the wonderful people of Mississippi.

She states: “O glory to God in the highest! I thank you so much for your ministry. Thursday School has been a tremendous blessing to me. I pray that you continue to allow God to speak to and through you.”

I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” “Thanks so much for all you do.”

“I was elated to win the Bible Spotlight in the month of December because the gift was “Forward” by Dr. David Jeremiah. Dr. Jeremiah is one of my favorite authors. And this happened to be one of the books that I do not already have. Thanks again.

Our January 2024 Winner is…

Sister Tracy R. of Illinois!

Congratulations Sister Tracy R. and blessings to all the wonderful people of Illinois.

Sister Tracy R. of Illinois, USA

Sister Tracy states: “I enjoy listening to your Sunday School on a Thursday lessons! Your energy, enthusiasm, and knowledge of the Word is such a joy.

“I was astonished when I realized that no one had answered the question and was more than happy to do so because I had already listened to your teaching of that lesson.

Thank you so much and keep the faith because your labor is not in vain. I thoroughly enjoy and appreciate you and your ministry!”

After receiving her Gift, Sister Tracy shares more and says—

“Thank you Dr Jackson for the beautiful book “The Grace of God” that you sent me because I was the winner of your Thursday School Bible Spotlight for January. Your lovely handwritten note made the gift evermore special.

Your weekly lessons bless me immensely because they are thorough, relatable, and centered in the Word. Your personality, energy, and witness to the Lord during class as though no one is watching have me shouting at my laptop! 🙌🏽

Simply put...Dr De Von Jackson, you are the bomb! 💣

I Appreciate You My Sister in Christ ❤️”

—Tra R.

Our February 2024 Winner is…

Sister Tammy P. of Georgia!

Upon receiving her gift, a book by Joyce Meyer, Sister Tammy states:

Dear Dr Jackson, Thank you for the Joyce Meyer The Power of Thank You book. I have begun reading and find the information and Scripture references very helpful, also, thank you for your message of personal touch written in the book. Thank you,

Tammy P.

DJM is also honored to share the Gospel with USA Troops! Every day the American Bible Society