
Our 4 Pillars of Ministry

  • Actively and pro-actively spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ through seeking avenues for Evangelistic Teaching and Sharing the Word of God.

  • Maximizing the distribution of Bibles and Christian literature–including original written works such as books, Bible study notes, leadership training manuals, workbooks and syllabi.

  • Utilizing Media for Sharing Christ–including Internet, Social Media, Speaking Engagements, Radio, etc. Further, De Von Jackson, M.D. Ministries, Inc. (DJM) serves as the parent organization for the Media Ministry entitled “Your Divine Appointment.”

  • Bibles for Troops! It was incredible to learn that every day the American Bible Society receives requests for Bibles from USA Troops and some from their families, called Military Families. This huge demand for the Word of God led to establishment of their Armed Services Ministry—an exciting and dynamic multi-disciplinary and multi-media project customized for Troops and their Families. In April/May 2024 DJM sent over 100 Bibles to help fulfill this spiritual hunger! Praise God! The ABS responded to our donation with these words—

    “Thank you for your gift to the American Bible Society. Your generosity is touching and changing lives with God’s Word…We will faithfully use your gift to share the peace, comfort and hope of Christ found in the Bible with more waiting hands and open hearts. You will have an eternal impact! Thank you for your partnership in sharing the Good News!”

  • Supporting and/or establishing Medical Services and Clinics, focused on the provision of medical care for the poor and under-privileged internationally. Thus, improving access to care for the under-served.

  • Providing medical equipment, supplies, medications and monetary support to medical humanitarian outreaches in various nations of the world.

  • Delivering medical care through said outreaches, utilizing relationships with medical professionals and missionaries/workers.

  • Medical Matters in Ministry! A most unique and impactful ministry program to bring peace of mind to Congregations and Lighten the Load on Pastors! Have you ever wondered about:

    • >”Final Wishes,” what does that mean? How do you choose?

      >What about “Pulling the Plug?” How do you decide if it’s time?

      >What exactly is “Hospice” vs Palliative Care? When is it right to choose “Comfort Care Only?”

      >What should you consider when thinking about CPR and being on “Breathing Machines?”

      >If I must be hospitalized, how do I prepare to enter the hospital? What things should I know and do before I leave the hospital?

      >What should Christians consider regarding Blood Transfusion, Organ Transplantation & Donation?

      >Medications: How to take them, limit side effects, limit drug interactions and reduce costs!

      >Cremation Controversies

      >Key Facts about Autopsy

      >Tattoo Removal Issues and Options for Christians

      And so much more!

  • Please Click this Link for vital information about this Life-Changing Project: https://qrfy.io/p/sj4KmmepLu or Simply Scan the QR Code below:

  • Providing assistance to socio-economically disadvantaged persons in their pursuit of education.

  • Scholarships for post-high school studies, including Undergraduate, Graduate and Doctoral levels. Available for secular or Biblical education and open to students of all ages.

  • Aid or support for students may include, but not limited to: tutoring, career planning assistance, workplace exposure, access to guided tours of educational institutions and their services/opportunities, etc.

  • As of 2024, preparing the launch of a Child Scholars Program,” to support and augment academic opportunities for achievement for children in areas of music, the arts, athletics and those with special needs.

  • Sharing charitable support, acts of goodwill and kindness or crisis aid to persons with urgent needs.

  • Providing assistance including, but not limited to: food, clothing, housing or other help as indicated by need.

  • Focusing on persons or families with crisis situations, who need a temporary “hand-up” as they transition to stability and self-sustenance.

  • In Fall of 2023, we were honored to provide Meals for Homeless Families in Sonoma County of California, USA. How blessed it is to provide food for the Hungry! This was in partnership with the Redwood Gospel Mission, who offered this gratitude—

    “De Von Jackson MD Ministries, God used you to transform lives last year by sharing His love through food, shelter, recovery programs and more! It’s an honor to partner with you!”

    Further, the Redwood Gospel Mission Executive Director stated—

    “I wish that I could tell you all about every life that you have changed with your giving to the Mission this last year. God has used you to touch too many lives for me to list and even more lives only He knows about.

    As one of our key partners, you helped us provide 125,349 meals, 36,828 nights of shelter and more…” Signed, Jeff Gilman

  • Another area of Benevolence involves the Care of Children through support of “Save The Children” outreaches around the globe.

  • As of the Spring of 2024, our Care of Children has expanded to Caring for Orphans! We are assisting with the upgrades and expansion projects at the “Bishop Oscar Benton Church of God in Christ Girl’s Home,” located in India!

    This wonderful Orphanage for abandoned girls is located the City of Aurangabad in Maharashtra State. We are also partnering with them in the comprehensive care of these precious Girls, care including food, clothing, housing, academic education, Christian education and medical care!

    This is a beautiful open door to share the Love of God. We must remember how often the Scriptures speak of our call to care for the Orphans. And recall this declaration in the Book of James in Chapter 1, Verse 27: "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

  • One of the particular needs of the Orphanage was for 2 “Cooking Units” for meal preparation. DJM purchased both units totaling several hundred dollars. The first unit was purchased in April 2024 and the second unit in June 2024. Below, please see photos of the box opening and set-up!

  • Digging Wells for Clean Water Access internationally. Please click the link below to view videos and reports of the Well Digging in Zambia, Central Africa. This link leads to the “Benevolent Outreaches” Menu on this Website: