For key information about our other Benevolent Ministries, please click the link below to our “Mission” Tab on this Website…much exciting news!

We Dug a Well in Zambia, Central Africa in October of 2023, to bring water to a region in which the people were “spending hours looking for water!” Now, they have water to drink! This well fulfills so many needs:

(1) this water satisfies the desperate thirst of untold numbers of persons in the region

(2) this water protects the people from the Cholera disease outbreak in that area because this is clean/uncontaminated water

(3) this water enables the goats in their Goat Farm to live and multiply—providing milk, milk products, meat and finance to support ministry to the needs of the people

(4) this water allows them to make the bricks to complete the building of St. Matthews Church so that even more people can be served

(5) this water brings life and restores hope to so many!

Now, the Well (Borehole) needs a Pump in place to draw the water to the surface.

Assembly of the Pump.

The Pump being Assembled

The Pump being Installed

The Pump being Installed

For those living afar—Transporting Water to Home