For key information about our other Benevolent Ministries, please click the link below to our “Mission” Tab on this Website…much exciting news!
We Dug a Well in Zambia, Central Africa in October of 2023, to bring water to a region in which the people were “spending hours looking for water!” Now, they have water to drink! This well fulfills so many needs:
(1) this water satisfies the desperate thirst of untold numbers of persons in the region
(2) this water protects the people from the Cholera disease outbreak in that area because this is clean/uncontaminated water
(3) this water enables the goats in their Goat Farm to live and multiply—providing milk, milk products, meat and finance to support ministry to the needs of the people
(4) this water allows them to make the bricks to complete the building of St. Matthews Church so that even more people can be served
(5) this water brings life and restores hope to so many!
Now, the Well (Borehole) needs a Pump in place to draw the water to the surface.
The Pump being Assembled
The Pump being Installed
For those living afar—Transporting Water to Home
As of the Spring of 2024, our Care of Children has expanded to Caring for Orphans!
We are assisting with the upgrades and expansion projects at the “Bishop Oscar Benton Church of God in Christ Girl’s Home,” located in India!
A New Home for Orphaned and Abandoned Girls in Maharashtra, India
Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony for the Orphanage
Prayer of Dedication for the Orphanage
The Girls! (some not pictured)
This wonderful Orphanage for abandoned girls is located the City of Aurangabad in Maharashtra State. We are also partnering with them in the comprehensive care of these precious Girls, care including food, clothing, housing, academic education, Christian education and medical care!
This is a beautiful open door to share the Love of God. We must remember how often the Scriptures speak of our call to care for the Orphans. And recall this declaration in the Book of James in Chapter 1, Verse 27: "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
One of the particular needs of the Orphanage was for 2 “Cooking Units” for meal preparation. DJM purchased both units totaling several hundred dollars. The first unit was purchased in April 2024 and the second unit in June 2024. Below, please see photos of the box opening and set-up!
Cooking Unit #1 Arrives
Cooking Unit #1 At Work
Our Care of Orphans Expands…to Ethiopia, East Africa!
In the Summer of 2024, DJM began its partnership with Hanna Asfaw, founder of a phenomenal ministry of loving care for Orphan Children in Ethiopia.
The ministry is named in honor of her late son; the ministry is Endrias Ministries International.
Sister Hanna provides education, food, Bible teaching and now expanding to include housing. Currently serving approximately 200 orphans, she is actively building a facility to serve as school, care center and upon completion of contruction—housing for about 100 orphans! What a beautiful vision!
Sister Hanna Asfaw with just a few of her children
More of the Orphans of Ethiopia
The current building—a mud house—is below
The Current “Facility” Exterior
The Current “Facility” Interior
The New Facility—What a Vision!
Construction Continues on the Facility, including multiple classrooms and so much more.
In October of 2024, DJM gave $500.00 towards construction, but much more is needed. With your support, we can provide additional support to this great work.
Letter of Acknowledgement from Endrias Ministries International