Spiritual Outreach Around the



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"God's Word for Fiji"

"God's Word for Nigeria"

An Open Door to aid the precious believers in Lusaka, Zambia in Central Africa through Nations Mission Church of God in Christ (COGIC) congregation there led by Bishop Justine Gondwe. He is very active in ministry thru preaching and teaching and travel. He stated they “desperately” need Bibles and Christian study materials.


In response to the request of our Fijian brothers and sisters for Bible study notes and outlines, many copies of Topical Bible Study Guides (written by Dr Jackson) were sent to the people of Fiji at no charge. Multiple other Bibles and Bible Study materials were purchased and sent thru our Fijian Pastor/Evangelist Simeon Navarro.


Through our Nigerian Missionary/Pastor, we had the joyful opportunity to send an array of Bibles and Bible Study materials to our fellow Believers in Nigeria, West Africa. The shipment included:

(1) Over 250 Sunday School books and Bible Study books (including materials for adults and age-appropriate lessons designed for children)

(2) 2 Year-Long Sunday School Lesson Commentaries

(3) 90 copies of Meet My Best Friend--His Name is Jesus with Expanded Edition Study Guides 

(4) 150 "Gospel of John" booklets 

(5) Varied Bible Study materials: Study Bibles, New Testaments, The Bible Promise Book, etc.