He has Come! Hallelujah, Our Savior is Born! Let us remember that this Day is not actually about family gatherings, gift-giving nor large meals. This Day is about God’s mercy and love—moving Him to give us THE remedy for our pending eternal judgment due to sin. The Savior puts a “lid” on Hell to keep us out of there…if we receive Him. Will you receive Jesus today? He came looking for you! Jesus is calling you…even now! Please answer!
“Dear Lord God, I admit that I have sinned, and I need you to save me and change me from my old way of living. Please forgive all my sins. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and that He died for my sins and rose again from the dead. I now cast away my old life and I give myself to Him to be His follower forever. I receive Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior. Amen.” If you just received Jesus as your Savior, Hallelujah! We rejoice and want to share some key information with you below. These are important “Next Steps” in your Christian Journey—
“I Have Just Become a Christian…But What Does That Mean?”